As a member of The Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, I can help you to obtain apostilled documents issued from any US State including documents issued by the US Federal Government for use in Liechtenstein.
The following documents are considered official documents in accordance with the Hague Convention (documents for public use), and an Apostille may be placed in them:
Documents issued by organizations or officials associated; with courts or state tribunals, including documents issued by a public prosecutor, court secretary, or bailiff
Documents of administrative (executive) authorities
Documents certified by a notary public
Official validating endorsements, placed on documents signed by individuals acting in a personal capacity, such as official certificates of the registration of a document or of its existence on the date indicated, as well as official and notarial verifications of signatures.
I can provide authentication ( legalization) services to corporations, law firms, U.S. citizens and foreign nationals on all documents that will be used in Liechtenstein.
Some common documents that potentially require an Apostille are:
Email me at jared@apostillellc.com or call 848-467-7740 to learn more.