Divorce Decree (Certificate of Divorce) Apostille
A divorce decree, also known as a final judgment or judgment of divorce is a formal order that is issued by the court at the end of a divorce proceeding. A divorce decree is basically a final court document that formally terminates a marriage.
Like many other official documents, there are certain instances where a Divorce Decree Apostille might be needed. If you were previously married and are planning to get married again in another country, the country where you’re planning on getting married will ask to see an Apostilled Divorce Decree in verifying that you are currently no longer married. Some countries may also request additional documentation such as an Apostilled birth certificate or Apostilled FBI background check.
Foreign countries that require a Divorce Decree Apostille are typically members of the 1961 Hague Apostille Convention Treaty. If the country receiving your Divorce Decree is not a member of the 1961 Hague Apostille Convention Treaty, your documents may require further verification and legalization via the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. Our office is very familiar with this process and can assist with its completion.
In order to apostille your divorce decree, you must provide the original or a certified copy issued by the County Court. A final divorce decree is kept at the vital records office of the courthouse in the county where you were divorced. In most cases, a copy of the final decision will be mailed to you by the court clerk or your attorney. If this does not occur, or if you want an additional copy, write to or visit the court clerk's office and request a copy.
Divorce Decree Apostilles can be quite complicated. These are very important documents, and should only be prepared by someone who’s familiar with and understands the Apostille process. American Apostille & Notary Services can assist with the proper preparation of your Divorce Decree Apostille. Our staff is well versed in the preparation of official document Apostilles. Contact our office today to further discuss your Apostille needs.